JAWAAN (2023) : review

And finally the much hyped, much awaited Jawaan saw light of the day ! Big stars, big budget( humongous budget actually), big music composer, everything super large. But does it meet the expectations of the average viewer? No it goes not. Read on.  A decorated jawan locks horns with a criminal called Kaali, this is in 1986 ( the year movies like Aakhri Raasta released, just for reference). Kaali gets him eliminated and send the pregnant wife to jail. The baby born in jail grows up to become the hero (look alike of the father) and decides to avenge the misdeeds done to his innocent patriotic parents. Well, isn’t it a masaaledaar full on Bollywood- Tollywood drama subject ?  And then the director Atlee also borrows ideas and references from various retro movies, some idea from Sholay (1975) as the hero assembled a gang of jailed Qaidis in order to form a team to nab the villain, then there’s an entire episode borrowed from Dhartiputra (1993), and the basic theme is copy pasted ...

Thumbs up for justice : PINK

PINK  [2016]

PINK is one of those rare movies that hits you so hard that you wonder why such movies ain't made more often in Bollywood. Minus the glitz and glamour PINK is a must watch for all cinema lovers.

Director: Aniruddha Roy Chaudhary

Cast: Tapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari, Andrea Tareyang, Amitabh Bachchan, Piyush Mishra, Rushaal Tandon, Angad Bedi, Vinod Nagpal & Dhritiman Chatterji.

As the opening credits of PINK are displayed and you see the names of three relatively unknown female actors being billed before a megastar who gets billed fourth, you realise you are not going to watch a regular masala bollywood movie. The indication of something different & introspective can be presumed right from the opening sequence.

A young working woman who lives independently in a rented flat with her two room mates is accused of attempting to murder a highly influential young man and is tried in the court of law. An ageing retired lawyer takes up the case to fight tooth and nail in order to get justice for the accused.

Chaudhary's direction in PINK is first rate and at a running time of barely 136 minutes this gripping court room drama raises several questions that have haunted our highly patriarchal and orthodox society. By no means are there any male bashing or women empowerment scenes neither is the Director trying to make any specific point but the story and concept are so strong & hard hitting that the audience will yearn for more. The viewers get to know the real truth or the severity of the incident only when the closing credits are rolling and we are revisited to the fateful night.

The music by Shantanu Moitra & Team is in fine form & keeps pace with the thriller rather than interrupting it. Screenplay, Story, Editing are the USP in PINK with only the cinematography being a let down.

On the acting front in PINK it's a Amitabh Bachchan show all the way, his excellent portrayal of the ageing yet strong willed and compassionate lawyer makes you salute his brilliance. Kirti Kulhari steals the show with a bravura act, Tapsee Pannu is beautiful and perfectly cast but  loses grip in some intense scenes. Piyush Mishra performs with exuberance and grace as the sarcastic opposition lawyer. Angad Bedi, Andrea Tareyang, Rushaal Tandon have previous little to do.

The captain of this ship Pink is undoubtedly the captain Chaudhary who uses marvellous expertise to convey Fear, Anxiety, Sorrow, Happiness and every other feeling through uncannily realistic moments depicted on screen. The sisterhood among the three girls looks as real as it could be. The second half shot majorly in a court room is the most interesting thanks to Bachchan and Mishra who pour excellence in the interrogating scenes. Two sequences that stand out are; Bachchan's questioning Bedi and the way the latter gives his opinion about 'women' which easily brings to our notice the stereotypes created in society for independent women. The other scene where Bachchan interrogates a female police officer [ Mamta Mallik] is spot on and full credit to the Director for his brilliant execution. A poignant scene where Pannu's father walks out of the court when she's been asked intimate and humiliating details is dealt with sensitivity by the Director. Chaudhary has given importance to the minutest details in the script.

Even though it is fictional and as per the disclaimer 'does not bear resemblance to reality' PINK is a must watch to face reality and the bitter truth prevailing in our society today. As Bachchan says in a scene that we need to Save the Boys first in order to Save the Girls. Brilliant!


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